Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world

Thousands of people yearly join Islam from all around the world.

How the Bible Led Me to Islam

The Story of a Former Christian Youth Minister - Joshua Evans a graduate of Bob Jones University.

While trying to convert a Muslim, he converted to Islam.

Yusuf Estes, who was a music minister, while trying to convert a Muslim who worked with him. He, his parents, and his Catholic priest accepted Islam. Afterward, he became a well-known Islamic speaker all over the world, and many managed to guide many Christians to Islam.

Reverend Anthony Swamy Conversion to Islam

Reverend Anthony Swamy, an ex-priest, was assigned to study the Quran to find errors in order to fight Islam; instead, the knowledge he gained made him accept Islam.

Dallas-TX Christian Preacher's Conversion to Islam

Eric Meek was a Southern Baptist Texan who was featured in a short documentary on white Christians who converted to Islam.
“Islam is everything I wanted Christianity to be,” Meek says in the documentary. “It’s got such a magical attraction to it. It’s a way of life that chooses to worship an unseen God through a process of daily living.”

Eric Meek, a Dallas-TX Christian Preacher's Conversion to Islam! after learning the historicity of the Bible

UK Roman Catholic priest Journey To Islam

Idris Tawfiq, A UK Roman Catholic priest, has a degree in English language and Literature from the University of Manchester and a degree in sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Rome. For many years he was Head of Religious Studies in different schools in England and Wales and has much experience of teaching.

His teaching of Islam and reading the Quran was the reason for him to become a Muslim.

He is the author of the following books:
 • Gardens of Delight: a simple introduction to Islam
 • Talking to Young Muslims
 • Talking to New Muslims
 • Talking to Muslims in the West
 • Talking About Ramadan
 • Calling Others to Islam
 • Talking About Other faiths
 • Looking for Peace in the Land of the Prophets

"I was teaching about Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and others. So everyday I had to read about these religions to be able to teach my lessons to the students, many of whom were Arab Muslim refugees. In other words, teaching about Islam taught me many things." ,Idris Tawfiq

Ex-Christian Paul Williams

Ex-Christian Paul Williams talks about his journey to Islam. He provides evidence through the Bible, and explains that the teachings of Prophet Jesus preached Islam.

A Catholic Ex-Nun - Irena Handono

Irena Handono is a well-known Indonesian convert who was raised in a religious Catholic family in Indonesia. She decided to become a non. After becoming a nun, Irena Handono was chosen for special training outside the monastery. She picked to study comparative religion at the institute for philosophical theology. She chose to focus on Islamology (understanding of the ideology of Islam). She studied the Quran to find the flaws, faults, and weaknesses of Islam in order to prove Islam is a false religion. When she started reading the Quran, she read the Quran 112:

Afterward, she went to her lecturer and told him to explain Trinity to her. He went to the board and drew a triangle of trinity for her and explained it by saying, "The triangle is one, but it has three sides. The same is true for God and the concept of the trinity."
She started asking him questions about trinity, which he could not answer, and finally he told her the statement you hear from all Christians, that is, "You just have to accept this dogma of trinity even though you don’t understand how one can be three and three can be one."

She did not accept to blindly believe and went back to read Quran 112, which is called the verses of monotheism.

She actively supports converts and spreads the message of Islam. She is the founder of the Irena Center, an Islamic school for new Muslims.
Read her full story by clicking her image on the top

Hispanics are converting to Islam

And many more accepts Islam every day
making Islam the fastest growing religion in the world. Allah is great.