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Prophet Moses and Prophet Jesus

Allah supported His prophets with miracles to validate their divine message. These miracles served as signs to convince people of the prophets' truthfulness and the authenticity of their message. Allah supported His prophets with miracles to act as irrefutable evidence of the prophets' divine commission, convincing those who doubted their message to ultimately guide them towards the truth.
Examples of Miracles:

Prophet Moses
Prophet Moses is referenced many times in the Quran. Allah (God) in the Quran tells the story of Moses as a prophet who was chosen to call Pharaoh to believe and to take the Israelites out of Egypt away from Pharaoh's cruelty.
Allah empowered Moses with the ability to perform miracles to demonstrate his divine authority and prophethood to Pharaoh and the Israelites. These miracles were intended to convince Pharaoh of the truth of Moses's message and his divine mission to free the Israelites from Pharaoh's cruelty.
Some examples of miracles include:
  • Creating a life from a wooden staff
    The miracle of Moses creating a life from a wooden staff:
    Allah instructed Moses to throw his wooden staff, and it turned immediately into a real life snake and to take it back, and it would change back to a wooden staff. The staff belongs to Moses and Allah made many miracles using Moses' staff. The Bible in Exodus 7:10 says the staff belongs to Aaron, and he is the one who threw the staff to change it into a snake and this is wrong because the staff belongs to Moses, as we read in Exodus 4:1-4.
  • His hand turning white
    The miracle of Moses' hand turning white:
    In addition to Moses' staff, Allah instructed Moses to put his hand inside his cloak, and when Moses took it out, his hand turned into a bright white as another sign to prove his divine commission to Pharoah and the Israelites.
  • Slitting the sea with his staff
    The miracle of Moses splitting the sea:
    While Moses and the Israelites were chased by Pharaoh and his army, they reached the sea where there was no way to escape and screamed to Moses, saying "We are to be reached by Pharaoh and his army." Moses replied, saying "No, my Lord is with me. He will guide me." Allah inspired Moses to strike the sea with his staff, causing the sea to part, creating a dry path allowing the Israelites to escape by crossing the sea on dry land to the other side of the sea away from Phorah and his pursuing Pharoah's army. Phaorah and his army rushed to cross the parted sea after Moses and the Israelites. Allah orders the parted sea to close back up, drowning Pahorah and his army.
  • Causing the rock to gush twelve springs
    The miracle of Moses hitting the rock with his staff, and twelve springs gushed forth from the rock for his people to drink.

The story of Moses in the Quran teaches believers that misfortune can be good for them and that they should have patience in times of hardship.

Prophet Jesus
Allah chose Jesus, known as Isa in Arabic, to be His prophet to the Israelites. Allah gave Jesus a miraculous birth by making Mary, Jesus’ mom, known in Arabic as Mariam, conceive Jesus without a father, as a miracle from Allah. Allah chose Jesus to guide the Children of Israel with a new scripture, the Injeel (Gospel), as we read this also in the Bible Matthew 15:24, Matthew 9:13, Mark 2:17, and Luke 5:32.
Jesus performed many miracles with the help of Allah. Even the Bible agrees that God performs His miracles through His prophet, as we read in ACTS 2:22.
Some examples of miracles include:
  • Jesus, with the help of Allah, restored one human life.
  • Jesus, with the help of Allah, healed the sick.
  • Jesus, with the help of Allah, fed close to 5,000 from a small plate.

Allah says in the Quran 3:84 (Interpretation of the Meaning)

Say, "We have believed in Allah and in what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob , and the Descendants, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus and to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [submitting] to Him."

Prophet Mohammad

As for the Prophet Muhammad, he was not different from Prophet Moses and Prophet Jesus, other than Moses and Jesus were sent to their own people, while the prophet Muhammad was sent to all humankind as God's final message to humankind. Allah granted the Prophet Muhammad some miracles to perform. Allah, also, granted Prophet Muhammad the ability to make prophecies, which are considered a significant sign of his prophethood, as he accurately predicted future events that later during his life and after his death came to pass. The fulfillment of these prophecies is considered a key factor in validating Muhammad's status as a prophet.
Some of the prophet Muhammad's miracles and prophecies:
  • The QuranThe Quran is the greatest miracle of the Prophet Muhammad, a miracle that will last forever. The Quran is the actual words of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad by the Archangel Gabriel.
  • He healed a sick.
  • Fed numerous Muslims from a small plate.
  • Gave water to drink to numerous Muslims from a small water leather bottle.
  • Prophet Muhammad's prophecies were fulfilled
    • Suraqa and the bracelets of Kisra prophecy (See side # 4).
    • The death of Prophet Muhammad's daughter, Fatima, after his own death.
      The Prophet Muhammad foretold that his daughter, Fatima, would be the first member of his household to die after him. This prophecy came true, as Fatima died within six months of the Prophet's death.
    • The conquest of Syria, Persia, and Yamen.
    • The conquest of Jerusalem, Egypt, and Constantinople.
    • A woman relative of his called "Umm Haram" will live to accompany the soldiers waging war in the sea.
    • Foretold the precise spot every pagan Meccan soldier would fall dead in the battel of Bader.

Prophet Muhammad is referred to as a "Prophet" or "Messenger of Allah." The Quran refers to Muhammad as a prophet in multiple places, including:
Quran 2:101, 2:143, 2:151, 3:32, 3:81, 3:144, 3:164, 4:79–80, 5:15, 5:41, 7:157, 8:1, 9:3, 33:40, 48:29, and 66:9
Allah in the Quran 33:40 mentions that Prophet Muhammad is the "Seal of the Prophets" (Khatam an-Nabiyyin), which means he is the last prophet from Allah to menkind.

Allah says in the Quran 33:40 (Interpretation of the Meaning)

Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and Khatam an-Nabiyyin (means last of the prophets) . And ever is Allah, of all things, Knowing.

The Quran - Word of God

The Quran is filled with evidence that it is a divine revelation from Allah (God). Please click the below image to read about:
  • The Linguistic Miracles of the Quran The Quran's linguistic miracles refer to its unique and unparalleled features that are believed to be beyond human capability, demonstrating divine origin and authorship.
    The Quran is considered a linguistic miracle for a number of reasons, including:
    • Preserved language
      The Qur'an's Arabic language has remained unchanged since its revelation over 1,400 years ago. This allows readers to experience the language of 7th-century Arabia.

    • Inimitable style
      The Qur'an's unique style and ability to convey profound meanings in a succinct way is considered unparalleled. The challenge to produce a verse or surah that matches the Qur'an's beauty and eloquence is known as the "Inimitability of the Quran" or "I'jaz al-Quran".

    • Linguistic gems
      The Qur'an's surface level meaning hides linguistic gems that give it depth. The more one studies the Qur'an, the more linguistic gems they discover.

    • Expressive metaphors
      The Qur'an's expressive metaphors, captivating narratives, and compelling arguments demonstrate the ingenuity of its composition.

  • The Scientific Miracles of the Quran
    The Quran contains scientific facts that were unknown centuries before they were discovered by science.

  • The Prophecy Miracles of the Quran

Click below image for detal explanation of each miracle

The Bounty Hunter & the Prophecy of the Persian Bangles

Prophecy story

In the year thirteen of Islam in Mecca, the Quraysh leaders decided to kill the prophet and end the message of Islam. Allah revealed to his prophet telling him to migrate from Mecca to Medina. The Prophet and his friend Abu Baker started the journey from Mecca to Medina with many bounty hunters after them. The Islamic term for this journey is called" The Hijrah."

During the trip from Mecca to Medina in the middle of the desert, a bounty hunter called Suraqa was able to find the prophet and his friend. The prophet prayed to Allah to stop Suraqa. Immediately, the front legs of Suraqa’s horse's legs sank into the sand, and he fell from above his horse. Suraqa was surprised because his horse had never done so before. Suraqa tried twice to approach the prophet and each time his horse's legs sank into the sand, and he fell, and when he rode his horse away from the Prophet, nothing happened. On the third time, Suraqa called the Prophet Muhammad requesting permission to peacefully come closer. The Prophet Muhammad granted him his request and Suraqa rode his horse and approached the prophet. The Prophet Muhammad offered Suraqa the bracelets of Kisra in return for Suraqa to go back and tell nobody about the prophet's location. With a shocked voice, Suraqa responded: "Kisra!?" the Prophet Muhammad replied: "Yes, Kisra, the son of Hormuz." There was only one Kisra at that time and everyone knew that Kisra was the emperor of Persia. The Prophet Muhammad then requested his scribe to write this promise down and give it to Suraqa.
This Prophecy encompassed three events:
  1. The prophet will survive.
  2. Islam will grow as a strong nation.
  3. A Muslim army will defeat the Persian Empire.
  4. Suraqa would live to witness the defeat of Persia.
  5. The bracelets of Kisra will be part of the spoils of war.
  6. Suraqa would get and wear the bracelets of Kisra, the emperor of Persia.

Prophecy was fulfilled
  1. In 632 AD, The Prophet Muhammad died.
  2. The Muslim army defeated the Persian Empire.
    In 651 AD, in the time of the second Khalifa (Leader) Umer Ibn Al-Khattab, the Muslim army defeated the Persian Empire and took all the treasures of Kisra to Khalifa Umer. Umer took the bracelets of Kisra and called for Suraqa. When Suraqa arrived, and he was an old man by then, Khalifa Umer gave him the bracelets and told him to wear them and show them to Muslims to prove the fulfillment of the Prophet’s prophecy.
    All the Muslims enjoyed the news and started shouting: "Allahu Akbar" (God is the Greatest).
  3. Suraqa lived to be an old man as the prophet's prophecy was fulfilled.

How did the Prophet Muhammad predict the downfall of one of the most powerful empires in the world at the hands of the Muslim army at a time when he was in the desert running from being killed, his followers were very weak, and no army at all gave this kind of prophecy? Not even a military expert with a strong army at that time could predict the downfall of a strong empire.
It all happens because Allah, All-Knowing, revealed it to his prophet to allow him to give accurate prophecies.
Importance of the prophet's Hijra
Prophet Muhammad established the first Islamic state in Medina based on the laws revealed in the Quran and the inspired guidance coming to him from Allah. The Hijrah was set as the starting point of the Islamic calendar and the first day of the Islamic New Year.

Prophet three prophecies on the battle of the Trench

Prophcy story

The Prophet Muhammad prophecies the conquest of Syria, Persia, Yemen, and Constantinople (Istanbul) during the battel of the Trench. The Battle of the Trench, also called the Battle of Al-Ahzab (Confederates) took place in February or March 627 AD, and is one of the greatest battles fought by Muslims in their history, as Muslims faced an unprecedented alliance of their enemies who gathered in an attempt to eliminate the Islamic religion in Medina.
The Quraysh, a powerful tribe from Mecca, allied with four other powerful tribes marched to attack the prophet Muhammad in Medina in an attempt to end Islam in a battel called the Trench. It was called the Trench because Muslims in Medina dug a trench between the east of Madina’s two mountains. This effectively hindered the advance of the Quraysh army. This strategy, suggested by Salman the Persian, a companion of the Prophet, proved to be effective in defending Muslims in Medina from the approaching army. The digging of the trench was a collective effort, with Muslims working tirelessly to create a defensive barrier. While digging, a significant event occurred where the Muslims encountered a large, unyielding rock while digging the trench. They struggled to break it. They told the prophet about this rock. The prophet came with his ax and hit the rock and a sparkle. As narrated in the book of Imam Ahmed, the prophet struck the rock three times while saying" Besm Allah” (i.e. By the name of Allah I start) each time. On each strike, a sparkle comes out and the prophet says:
  • After the first strike, the prophet said: the keys of ancient Syria are granted to me, I swear by Allah, I can see its palaces at that moment”.
  • After the second strike, the prophet said: "Allahu Akbar, Persia is granted to me, I swear by Allah, I can now see the white palace of Madain".
  • After the third strike, the prophet said: “Allahu Akbar, I have been given the keys of Yemen, I swear by Allah, I can see the gates of Sana' while I am in my place.”

The polytheists’ army arrived in Madina and were surprised by the presence of a trench preventing them from storming it. They had no choice but to lay siege to the Muslims and search for an opening that would enable them to enter, but the Muslims were alert to their attempts, so they would shoot them with arrows to prevent them from approaching. The siege lasted long and the affliction intensified, so the Prophet raised his hands to the sky and said:
“O Allah, revealer of the book, swift in reckoning, defeat the confederates, O Allah, defeat them and shake them.”
A fierce windstorm sent by Allah scattered the enemy forces, leading to the Muslims' victory. Allah answered the prayer of His Prophet by sending a fierce windstorm that uprooted the tents, extinguishing the fires they lighted in front of their tents, and overturning their pots. This fierce windstorm causes the polytheist army forces to scatter, running away from Medina and granting victory to the Muslims as Allah Almighty said in Quran 33:9 (Al-Ahzab ayah 9).

Allah says in the Quran 33:9 (Interpretation of the Meaning)

O you who have believed, remember the favor of Allah upon you when armies came to [attack] you and We sent upon them a wind and armies [of angels] you did not see. And ever is Allah, of what you do, Seeing.

Fulfillment of the three prophecies
All these countries were conquered after the death of the prophet exactly as the Prophet prophesied, but they were not all conquered at the same time.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia, among such conquests were these:
  • The Conquest of Syria in 634CE:
    In 636CE the Byzantine Empire lost the critical Battle of Yarmouk and the Muslim of Syria.
  • Conquest of Persia 637CE:
    In 636/637, the Arab army defeated the Sasanian dynasty in a battel called the Battle of al-Qādisiyyah.
  • Conquest of Yaman in 630CE:
    Yemen was under the rule of the Persian Sasanian Empire. The Muslim conquest of Yemen took place around 630 CE, when Ali, a cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, introduced Islam to the region. At the time, Yemen was the most advanced region in Arabia.